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second hand MacBook pro

20 things you need to know used laptops from uk

Need to buy a laptop? Why not consider buying a used one? You can make a big saving and get a fully functional laptop that caters to your needs. Here are 20 things that you need to know when buying used laptops from the UK.

used laptops from uk

  1. Make sure you are protected – Buy off trusted websites and try to pay with PayPal as that offers protection too. Never just transfer money. 
  2. Compare prices – Check the price of the model you want both new and used. This allows you to make sure that you are getting a good deal.
  3. Look for any damage to the laptop - You should look for any damage to the body of the laptop. Check the hinges too. Surface marks are nothing to be concerned about but large dents could be.
  4. Have a look at the screen – Look for scratches or cracks. When the screen is on look for discoloration and flickering.
  5. Turn it on and listen – If there are weird noises such as grinding then this could mean the hard drive is on the way out. 
  6. Try the trackpad and keyboard – You need to check for missing or sticky keys. Always try the mouse or trackpad too. 
  7. Check speakers and webcams – If these are not working you may want to choose another laptop. 
  8. Try the CD drive and ports – Check all USB ports, headphone jack, etc. 
  9. Use the laptop – If you can try to use the laptop for around 20-30 minutes just to check that it runs smoothly. 
  10. Check the battery – By using it you can also see the battery life. You should also go to battery settings to see the battery's health. 
  11. Ask how old it is – Checks the age of the computer if it is about half a decade old, it may be better to choose a newer model.
  12. Ask how long they have had it – If you can ask the owner if they owned it from new. If they bought it used then there could be problems with it that they didn’t even know about.
  13. Have a look at the RAM – You should aim for 4GB otherwise the laptop can be slow.
  14. Is any software already installed? - Have a look at what software is included as some programs require payment and subscription. 
  15. If buying off a person face to face is best – Meet in a safe place. You need to see and try the laptop before payment.
  16. Be aware – Scams happen often so protect yourself when buying used laptops from the UK by doing things like using PayPal or by buying from a store.
  17. Check software – Make sure software is genuine and ask for product keys.
  18. Try the wireless connectivity – Make sure that the laptop can connect to the Wi-Fi
  19. Check the Performance Monitor – If the CPU is running high in the Performance Monitor, then it can be a sign of a virus. 
  20. See what version of Windows is installed – You should buy a device with Windows 10. A lower version will need upgrading and this can cost you. 

Apple MAC vs PC Which Is Better

Apple MAC vs PC which is better?

Thinking about getting a new computer? If so, one of the questions you have probably asked yourself is “Apple MAC or PC?”. You must research the answer to this difficult question as one may offer you something that the other doesn’t and to help you out, we have created a short guide.

apple mac pc

Where to start

Before you begin you should think about what you need the computer to do. Do you need office tools or do you take part in lots of video calls? Maybe you use the device for entertainment so need one better for gaming and streaming. These are things to consider while researching both.

Type of Device

Next, think about what type of device you would like such as a tablet, desktop, or laptop. A PC offers you the choice of port types, screen size, touchscreen options, and more. Apple can be more limited on this score. Some features also need separate accessories from Apple. However, Apple does cover most types of devices so this shouldn’t be a problem. 

Prices of Apple MAC and PC

Obviously, price is one of the main considerations. Apple MAC is known to be expensive however, Apple products are more accessible now than they have ever been. Depending on your requirements both can be expensive but you have choices. You can buy brand new, second-hand, or refurbished. These options make MAC devices much easier to get a hold of. Sometimes you may have to pay for extras with Apple. You can also make more money when selling a MAC once you are finished with it.

Features for Security

Both offer security features but MAC offers users more safety because Malware and virus risks are reduced on Apple devices. With that said PC users feel safe using their security features too.

When Issues Occur

Apple is known for its customer service. There are people available online, by phone and they have many stores across the globe waiting to help. It can be harder to receive instant support on a PC. 

Windows on MAC

It is important to note that Windows can be run on a MAC so you can have a sleek and secure device with the same features as a PC. With this, you can have both in one device. 


While the graphics on a MAC are excellent it is known that a PC is better for those who play lots of games. A PC has better hardware for games so it seems that in this round PC has won. 

Overall, both have pros and cons and the Apple MAC vs PC debate will never go one way as everyone has their own preferences. Apple has a sleek design while PC offers more choice. Customer service is more accessible with Apple and a MAC is worth more when selling. While gaming is better on PC. It is all down to your preference. If you do decide on Apple MAC then Apple Bite 2nd Bite has lots of refurbished models available. 

used macbook pro

Reasons you Should Buy a Used MacBook Instead of a New One

Why You Should Consider Buying A Used MacBook

It seems as though there is always a new MacBook due for release. When the newest technology hits the stores, it is an excellent time for those who want a MacBook without the high cost to purchase one. As those with the newest tech will want to get rid of their older versions so it is the perfect opportunity for those who don’t want or need the latest model. 

used macbooks

Buying a used MacBook such as a used Apple MacBook Pro will save you money instead of paying the full amount for a new one with features that you may not need. To show you how buying a used MacBook can help you we have put together some of the reasons why you should buy pre-owned. 

  • Save Cash

MacBooks are expensive but one of the best reasons to buy a used one is to save cash. Now, most Apple products keep a lot of their value even when used but that doesn’t mean that you won’t grab a bargain. The older the model the more you will save. You don’t have to worry about buying an older model because these are durable laptops even when the model is years old. With the prices of new MacBooks being so high even saving a small amount of cash will be beneficial but you can save a lot of money when you come across a used Apple MacBook Pro for sale. 

  • Older Versions Can Be Easier To Use 

When the latest technology comes out it may look and work a little differently from the previous versions. So, using an older MacBook can give you the functions and displays that you already know. A computer that you are not used to can slow you down and it may come with features that you have paid more for but don’t use. Buy a computer you know and one that is loved such as a used MacBook Pro. 

  • Better Battery

A MacBook needs to be used to build the strength of the battery. It will be a stronger battery after experiencing use and other factors such as power surges. A used MacBook has already got a resilient battery rather than a new one where the process has started again. When buying a used MacBook just make sure that you have checked the battery life. If you go to the system information on the Mac you can go to the Information Tab, then Power and it will show you the health information about the battery. 

Always buy from a store you trust and if you buy from a person make sure you check the computer for faults, cracks, and more. Make sure the serial numbers match too. Overall, buying a pre-owned MacBook such as a used MacBook Pro can save you money and give you a computer that is easier to use than some of the newer versions. At Apple Bite 2nd Bite, we have refurbished MacBooks available. The range includes a MacBook Air (refurbished) and many more. So, take a look as refurbished Macs can save you money too.

macbook air refurbished

What to Look for When Buying a Refurbished MacBook Air

Tips On Buying a Refurbished MacBook Air

It is no secret that MacBooks cost a fortune. The technology that goes into these computers does make them worth the money but realistically the high price tag makes these simply unaffordable for most. If you want a MacBook Air but want to pay less then consider a refurbished model. When a MacBook Air is refurbished, it means it was returned to the store but it has been fixed up to be as good as new. But before you make such a considered purchase even at a reduced price there are some things that you should know before you buy.

macbook air refurbished

Is It Pre-owned or Refurbished?

It is important to know the difference. A refurbished MacBook will be at the functional standard of a brand new one. The parts that needed replacing will have been by Apple or another official party. Whereas a used MacBook is just that. It is used and isn't internally new. 


If a new MacBook Air is out of your price range, then a refurbished model could be perfect. Depending on the age of the model you can usually save between 10-60% on your purchase. With newer models, you will save less but the older ones have the best-reduced price. Used versions can save you even more but they do not have new parts and you will not have protection such as a warranty. 

Waiting for Your Choice

If you want a certain model, it can be hard to find. You will only find a refurbished version of a model if someone has decided to return it or if they have sold it to a company that refurbs. Generally, older models will be easier to find but newer ones don’t come around as often. You can either compromise and buy a different model or wait for your choice to come around. 


When a MacBook Air is refurbished, it is important to know that it will not look perfect. It will not be in the same condition as a brand new one because someone has already used it. Each item will have a grade and a brief description of the condition. 

All MacBooks are fully tested, cleaned, and wiped

Any refurbished Apple product has a testing process so all software and hardware are checked. Any problems detected will be fixed. All the internal components are also cleaned. Any dust and dirt will be removed from fans, drives, etc., and even under the keys get cleaned. All user data is also wiped so the entire drive is formatted and the operating system is re-installed. This means that there are no privacy issues and the previous owner is in no way linked to you. 

 Check for certification 

Every refurbished MacBook Air will have an official certificate from Apple. This stops you from buying from online sellers that haven't really refurbished the MacBook, just updated an old one. If it doesn’t have the certification don’t buy it. 

At Apple Bit 2nd Bite, we have different models available to choose from. We offer 24/7 support, free shipping, returns, and a money-back guarantee. 

apple imac refurbished

Tips to Buy Apple IMAC Refurbished

Tips On Buying a Refurbished Apple iMac 

If you are looking for a new computer then you will have come across Apple’s iMac. The technology is cutting-edge and the machine itself is long-lasting and reliable. However, this amazing tech comes with a hefty price tag. But if you don’t want to shell out lots of money then there is another solution. Have you considered an Apple iMac that is refurbished? There are different versions of the Apple iMac refurbished in the UK so shop around. 

buy refurbished MacBook air 13

What is a refurbished iMac?

When a computer, laptop or, the phone is refurbished it means that it was either returned to a store due to a fault or traded-in. The store will then fix the fault and replace any parts. Once the work is complete the item will be like new. It is pre-owned but it has been restored to run like a brand-new one. It is important to buy from a reputable store when searching for an Apple iMac that is refurbished.

Refurbished models are not the same as pre-owned or used. Used versions have not been fixed to run like new. This is just someone's used computer. If it says used in the title or description, it is not refurbished. 

How to make sure you’re getting a good refurbishment deal

Even at a refurbished price, an iMac is expensive so you need to make sure that you are getting a good deal, actually buying a refurbishment and, that the computer is in good condition. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself and to make sure you’re getting what you paid for.  

  • Buy from a reputable store – As with any Apple product, there are scams around when trying to buy. Make sure you buy from a store and avoid buying directly from people as most of these people just update and do not a refurb. If buying from places like eBay then make sure the company has lots of good reviews and don’t always go for the cheapest option as this can be a scam. If shopping online and there are no pictures then avoid it as you need to see what you are buying.
  • Examine and test – We understand that this is not always possible especially online but if you can you should examine and test the product first before you buy. Try out the machine, check the serial numbers match on the software and hardware, check for dents in the machine, and make sure all ports, cameras, and speakers are working.
  • Get a warranty and check returns – This step should be taken regardless if you buy online or in-store. But it can offer some protection when just buying online without testing the product. Always choose a company that offers a warranty and you should also check their returns. Good companies provide free returns and a money-back guarantee. This way if you are not happy with the product then it can be returned. 

Overall, buying a refurbished iMac can save you some cash if done correctly. At Apple Bite 2nd Bite, we offer different versions of the Apple iMac refurbished in the UK. We offer affordable prices so take a look. 


Buying a Used MacBook Essential Tips to Consider

Tips for Buying a Used Apple MacBook Pro

If you are looking for an Apple MacBook Pro without the high price tag then you should consider buying a used one. You can find good bargains especially when a newer MacBook is released as many will want to upgrade. To help you out in your search we have put together the essential tips that you need to know when buying a used Apple MacBook Pro

used macbook proExamine the condition

You need to make sure that you check your physical condition. Check the screen for cracks and faults. Next, test the hinges by opening and closing the lid because you don’t want loose hinges. The repair of faulty hinges can be costly. Then check the body of the machine for dents. Anything small won’t be a problem but bigger ones can suggest a fault internally. Lastly, have a look at the external ports and make sure they are clean and in working condition. 

Run Apple Diagnostics 

After those have been checked you should then test and verify the hardware. You can rule out hardware issues with the Apple Hardware Test. Don’t use USB drives during the test and the extended version of the test is better. 

Check the Camera and Sound

You can check the camera is working on Photobooth and by using the Facetime app. If there are any issues with the camera you will see a message saying that there is no camera connected. This may need fixing. Then check the sound. Make sure that the speakers and headphone port are working.

Test the Battery

Testing the battery is essential because replacing the battery can be very expensive. You can check the battery on the System Information screen. Under the power section, you can see the condition and you can see the cycle count in Health Information. It should say that the status is Normal and it has ample count as this would suggest it is only halfway through its life. 

Check the serial number

It is so important that you check the serial number. On the machine, you will find this near the hinge on the bottom. You should then compare that to the number on the software and they should match. You can check if it is under warranty and you can verify the owner. If the MacBook has coverage, it can then be given to you.

Software Checks

Lastly, you should check the software. Make sure that the seller’s iCloud account has been removed and that the Find my Mac feature is turned off. Check for a firmware password as this will need to be removed. You can also reset the NVRAM and PRAM and sometimes the SMC will need resetting if there are problems with the keyboard backlight or screen. You can also do a factory reset if you are concerned about privacy issues. 

Where to Buy

You must buy a used Apple MacBook Pro from a trusted seller. Try to buy from a store but if you buy from a person make sure that you have checked all the above and ask why they are selling. If you feel like something isn’t right then don’t buy. There are a lot of scams so be cautious. 

used macbook pro

How much is refurbished MacBook pro 15 in UK

MacBook Pro 15 launched recently by Apple Company. MacBook is a component of an electronic device. In the current scenario, the importance of the MacBook is at its peak. The businessmen, students, and from other professions, people are used to carrying MacBook because it is easy to carry and viable for their works. Apple Company launched MacBook pro 15. In the UK, more than 22% of people can't afford the new MacBook Pro 15. The affordability ratio is low. Students and other professions' MacBook is essential for their progress.  The refurbished MacBook pro 15 UK is not a new one, but it looks like a new computer. The refurbished means that the apple company the repair and install all the necessary things which installed in new Macbook.  Sometimes the apps of MacBook is creating hinder. Most of the time, it becomes to slow down. The battery or other accessories are not in working condition. Scratches have appeared on the screen. All kinds of damages will be refurbished by applying the care store. The renewed price is 20% less than the original MacBook pro 15.  The consumer will always buy MacBook according to their budget. Refurbished is the best option for the buyers because refurbished MacBook pro 5 equipped with all the features that contain by the new MacBook.  The component of apple MacBook Pro 5 is an excellent device. All the features are reliable, and after refurbished battery timing of the MacBook remained the same as the new one. It would work without any hurdle. Refurbished is easy to buy, and the consumer can easily afford Macbook. The refurbished MacBook undergoes a rigorous process. Apple-certified renovated make MacBook like a new computer. The particular part of refurbished is, it seems like a new one, and it works like a new MacBook. It will reduce your cost, which is a handsome percentage of the price In this article, we are enabled to guide you about refurbished MacBook pr0 15. The cost, affordability, and benefits of the refurbished MacBook for the general public is mention in the following article.

Advantage of refurbished MacBook pro 15 UK

1. The buyer will always think about what kind of benefit I can if he buys the refurbished MacBook 5 pro. Here we have a simple answer about what you will get if you buy it. 2. You will get a "like new" device with authentic Apple new parts (shifting) that have been thoroughly cleaned and examined. Redesigned iOS devices will go with a new battery and outer sheets.  3. The apps and all the features will accompany with the best operating system 4. The guarantee of one year will render and extend to the buyer by apple care store. If any sought of problem occurred, or any accessorize of MacBook is not work correctly, then it will repair and replaced by the company. 5. Most Apple equipment accompanies a one-year constrained guarantee and as long as 90 days of complimentary specialized help. To get extra inclusion, buy the Apple Care item that accommodates your gadget. 6. Apple refurbished store provides you there best services. You will become the owner of the MacBook at a lower cost. And you find a new MacBook in the framework of plastic sheets. 7. The last thing is how much refurbished MacBook 5 pro cost. The cost of refurbished MacBook 5 pro varies and differs due to some specialties of MacBook. The price also varies in colors and outer body of the computer.  8. It will also depend on the RAM and internal memory. The more memory will cost more, and lower memory will cost less. How much it old also affect the price because refurbished is a second computer.  9. A buyer should check all the compulsory component and also the condition. Buy refurbished MacBook pro 5 in Uk and save your money for your better future.      
second hand MacBook pro

What to check when buying a second hand MacBook pro

A MacBook is a competent computer at the current time. It was launched in recent years though it is still trendy. We will look upon steps to evaluate the worth and condition of the second-hand MacBook. Usually, common folk has no idea of evaluating the condition of the computer. For this purpose, this article will enable the readers to buy a well-conditioned MacBook with all the components intact successfully. The buyer should be aware of the following steps.
  • He/she should check whether the hard disk is not removed
  • He/she should check that all keys in the keyboard are still functional
  • He/she should check that the original box is present
  • He/she should check that all the critical items, like charger, manual book, concerned hardware items are present
  • He/she should check that the outlook of the computer is suitable. (it should not have not too many scratches
There are further detailed steps to evaluate the condition of a computer.

1. Search about the actual age of Second Hand MacBook:

Turn on the computer and open the lid there; you will find a list of contents in the horizontal order. On the left corner of the list, you will find the original content with a logo of Apple. Click it, then a list of items will appear. Now click the first item "About This MacBook". After that, another window will open, showing all the details of the computer.

2. The buyer should verify whether the seller has got the purchase receipt:

Without having hesitation, a buyer should boldly ask for the original receipt of purchase. In the case of online purchases, an online copy should be asked for.

3. Check the life of battery:

Usually, nowadays, it is a common knowledge that batteries which are no more operational, cannot be replaced with new ones. It is only possible in case of a breach of warranty by the Apple Company. Well, it is not impossible for one can still buy a new one with a price "Two Hundred Dollars". A buyer can know about the life of the battery and its condition by visiting the System Information. There the buyer will find a list of contents. He/she should click an item in the contents with the name "Power". After clicking it, another window will open having a list of details. He/She has to read the health Information. There they will find Cycle Count and Condition. It will further help him to get the details.

4. Have a detailed look at the keyboard:

Click any writing software, for example, Apple Word. There write some letters to verify whether the keys are functioning. Press each letter separately. Check the bumps. And have a look at the exterior of keys.

5. A buyer should also check the Apple built-in hardware test AHT:

Three steps to verify the Apple built-in hardware test of second-hand MacBook pro.
  1. The buyer has to turn off the computer. Then reboot it.
  2. Then he has to press and hold D key. Wait for the grey start-up screen.
  3. It will take approximately a minute or more for AHT to start up. After the completion of loading, select the language, and then click the test button.

What to look for when buying refurbished MacBook air 13?

If you are looking to buy refurbished MacBook air 13, there are a few pointers that you need to keep in mind. They will not only help you in making the best purchase but will ensure to be saved form scams.  

buy refurbished MacBook air 13


Buy Refurbished MacBook Air 13

  • Cost If you are shopping refurbished items, a low price is a priority. Do not compromise on it. The easiest thing to do is compare what is available on the used market compared to what is there in the refurbished section. You should expect an average savings of 10-15% off comparable models. You can find comparable models on sites like eBay and Amazon. It is important to consider the system configuration, return policy, warranty length and refurbishing process.
  1. Factory Certification Look for factory-certified refurbished Apple products having the same standards. Quality third party retailers, carefully test and bring back equipment back to factory standards before sending and selling. It is difficult to pinpoint if a used Apple product has undergone extensive refurbishing when purchased from eBay, Amazon, or Craigslist. This is how skillfully the retailers bring back the items. Moreover, the warranties are typically shorter.
  2. Buy from a reputable dealer You must make sure that the potential seller is reputable. The best thing to do is a Google search and read the reviews. You can get an idea of how trustworthy the retailer is. Third-party providers have thousands of satisfied customer reviews that sound authentic and genuine. Be sure to identify the scams from the genuine ones. Another easy step can be by looking at a company’s Better Business Bureau rating. An “A” rating is a prerequisite. Founded in 1995, few refurbished retailers have been around for even five years, let alone over twenty years.
  3. Look for the Return and Warranty policy Checking the return policy is a good safeguard as well. A consumer-friendly return policy allows returns free of consequence for any reason. Amazon offers 14 days return policy but charges a restocking fee. Looking for a warranty policy is also crucial. They help you identify the genuine dealers from the scams. Warranties are typically handled with a replacement unit. This practice helps in minimizing the downtime.
Specifications Be sure to verify the fine-print details of products verifying which accessories are included. If the important ones like adequate memory, chargers, and cables are not included in the offer, your savings are at risk. Checking the product description and the full spec list provided can help you dodge any potential bullet. Do not compromise on any feature. If you detect any fault or a scam, instantly drop the plan of purchasing. Be sure that you don’t end up buying a used mac instead of a refurbished one. There a difference between the two and the later is as sound like a new one. Whereas a used mac can have a number of issues. Refurbished products can only come onto the market when newer offerings become available.
used apple laptops

Where to buy used MacBook pro UK?

Buying gadgets is always a tedious job. One has to put in a lot of effort before purchasing something that is not a scam.  Finding refurbished items can become even harder because, in them, one can not compromise on functionality and quality. Where to buy used Mac pro-UK is something many people try to find an answer to. Many platforms deal with secondhand gadgets. However, to find an authentic dealer and a genuine product that won’t be full of errors is something that requires thorough research and quite a lot of effort.

Buying Used Mac Pro-UK:

With changes in technology, gadgets freaks are swiftly shifting from the use of laptops toward that of MacBook.  Macs are easy to carry, have a stylish sleek design that is not only appealing to the eye but is more comfortable to handle, easy to understand operating, provide great features and amazing specifications, have a large amount of space and memory and are just so much better in terms of detailing, effectivity and longevity. Also, with their changing designs, the demand is increasing day by day as they are coming up with advanced features in every model. Buying a used Mac Pro can prove to be a good decision if you are tight on budget and also want to have the best features in your purchase. As claimed by Apple itself, a newly bought Mac can last you good 4 years, therefore, with buying a refurbished one in the best condition; you are not losing much. Not only that, if you are someone who is on the outlook for old models in your collection, going into a stock of second-hand items can help you in your search for a model that is no longer in use. A couple of the most trusted names that deal in second hand Mac pros are:

Tech trades:

One of the most popular names when it comes to used Mac pro-UK, Tech Trades also offers exciting discounts and a variety of deals on their items more than often. Not only do they have a huge collection, but they also carry a lower price tag even on their refurbished gadgets and ship them free of cost to all places, making it all the more attractive to the clients for investing their money and putting the trust.


Another trusted hub for dealing in all kinds of Macs, Cash4Mac offers easy ways to purchase the safest bet in terms of investing your money. Not only that, but it also enables you to sell your used Macs for good quotes. Years of business, fair reviews, and error-free items make this platform the best of all.


Another excellent platform of refurbished Macs and other gadgets, Apple-Bay has the most authentic products and a range of flexible prices that are not heavy on the topic. Hence, you can get a good functioning item that lasts for a long time within a reasonable budget.    
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