What to Look for When Buying a Refurbished MacBook Air

macbook air refurbished

What to Look for When Buying a Refurbished MacBook Air

Tips On Buying a Refurbished MacBook Air

It is no secret that MacBooks cost a fortune. The technology that goes into these computers does make them worth the money but realistically the high price tag makes these simply unaffordable for most. If you want a MacBook Air but want to pay less then consider a refurbished model. When a MacBook Air is refurbished, it means it was returned to the store but it has been fixed up to be as good as new. But before you make such a considered purchase even at a reduced price there are some things that you should know before you buy.

macbook air refurbished

Is It Pre-owned or Refurbished?

It is important to know the difference. A refurbished MacBook will be at the functional standard of a brand new one. The parts that needed replacing will have been by Apple or another official party. Whereas a used MacBook is just that. It is used and isn’t internally new. 


If a new MacBook Air is out of your price range, then a refurbished model could be perfect. Depending on the age of the model you can usually save between 10-60% on your purchase. With newer models, you will save less but the older ones have the best-reduced price. Used versions can save you even more but they do not have new parts and you will not have protection such as a warranty. 

Waiting for Your Choice

If you want a certain model, it can be hard to find. You will only find a refurbished version of a model if someone has decided to return it or if they have sold it to a company that refurbs. Generally, older models will be easier to find but newer ones don’t come around as often. You can either compromise and buy a different model or wait for your choice to come around. 


When a MacBook Air is refurbished, it is important to know that it will not look perfect. It will not be in the same condition as a brand new one because someone has already used it. Each item will have a grade and a brief description of the condition. 

All MacBooks are fully tested, cleaned, and wiped

Any refurbished Apple product has a testing process so all software and hardware are checked. Any problems detected will be fixed. All the internal components are also cleaned. Any dust and dirt will be removed from fans, drives, etc., and even under the keys get cleaned. All user data is also wiped so the entire drive is formatted and the operating system is re-installed. This means that there are no privacy issues and the previous owner is in no way linked to you. 

 Check for certification 

Every refurbished MacBook Air will have an official certificate from Apple. This stops you from buying from online sellers that haven’t really refurbished the MacBook, just updated an old one. If it doesn’t have the certification don’t buy it. 

At Apple Bit 2nd Bite, we have different models available to choose from. We offer 24/7 support, free shipping, returns, and a money-back guarantee. 

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